Infertility is defined as a “disease of the reproductive system” by the World Health Organization, and it results in disability. Nowadays, reproductive medicine and endocrinology are rapidly growing with success stories that have resolved infertility by using advanced innovations. That’s why many couples who are going to use IVF treatment with donor eggs are looking for the perfect and suitable egg donor with a similar appearance, good medical history and high IQ.
Being an egg donor is the best way to share kindness, happiness and realize someone’s dream by helping infertile couples have a child, but in addition to this, there are many reasons for considering being egg donor. In this article, you will find out about the pros and cons of being an egg donor.
Giving a Gift of Life by Donating Eggs
Some couples want to have children. Unfortunately, some families struggle to conceive a child of their own. Couples dealing with infertility issues can turn to the egg donation process for help. Using IVF treatment with the donor eggs brings them the opportunity to realize their dream. The most common type of egg donor is a woman with a child. Just like most women, she wants to help another woman to experience the joy of parenthood. Donors do not have infertility; they are interested to be useful for intended parents who have fertility troubles by donating their own eggs.
Receiving a Free Health Screening
The egg donation program will provide free health testing. It means that potential donor doesn't need to worry about the expense of screening process. Moreover, egg donation is a good opportunity to get a reproductive health check. It includes testing for common diseases such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, including Herpes, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and various genetic disorders. Ovoria Egg Donor Bank examine potential donors according to the international ART associations guidelines: EU-Tissue Directive 2004/23/CE, 2006/17/EC. Our lab and diagnostics testing are involved:
Genetic testing includes:
Moreover, Ovoria Egg Donor Bank offers the possibility of potential egg donors testing, which is an extensive analysis with a 400+ panel carrier screen identifying specific autosomal recessive and X-linked diseases. This information will help intended parents learn more about their risk of having a child with specific genetic defects and certain disorders.
NGS sequencing of 418 genes (not hos-spon mutations) of most common recessive genetic disorders, including CNV for 33 genes:
In addition to this, Egg Donor Profile in Ovoria Egg Bank includes 3 sections: donor personality, medical history and family overview.
Receiving a Monetary Compensation
Financial compensation is what makes becoming an egg donor seem worth the egg donor’s time and effort. The program rewards can help cover the education fee, pay for living, or save for the future.
Having an Opportunity to Know The Child
However, there are cases where this is not true so that it can be both a pro and a con. But in certain “directed” egg donation cases, donors can contact the child throughout their post-birth life. A woman will have the opportunity to get with a child only in one case when intended parents will choose an open ID egg donor, which in turn means the donating eggs will be absolutely anonymous process.
Psychological Satisfaction
On the good side of psychological benefits is feeling happy by donating eggs for intended couples. The potential egg donors will get personal satisfaction by giving hopeless and child's life for many women who dream to be a mother.
Limited Involvement For Egg Donation
As we mentioned before, the main goal of donation is to help infertility couples to have a child. That’s why donating eggs can not be considered as a job. Ukrainian law sets the limit of 8 stimulation cycles. Ovoria Egg Bank work only according to the rules.
Experiencing Some Side Effects
Side effects from fertility drugs may be different for each donor. Some egg donors experience no complications and stress, while others experience some. If women after the donation cycle experience any side effects, they can include bloating, moodiness, cramping, aching, PMS- like symptoms or hot flashes.
There are some possible disadvantages of donating eggs. However, the inevitable connection of a woman to her egg that later transcends into maternity might be overwhelming sometimes. Several donors approach their donated eggs with detachment.
The Egg Donation Process can Causes Stress
The whole egg donation procedure can take patience. That's why many women can feel stress or anxiety during medical procedures. Ovoria Egg Donor Bank in the end of egg donor process after all medical appointments and approvals provide personality tests.
Ovoria egg donor bank cares a lot about the egg donor selection process and always help intended parents to find the perfect egg donor. We totally understand that oocytes quality depends on how strict we adhere to the rules of interviewing donors, their screening, ovarian stimulation or ovarian hyperstimulation (in case if a woman is sensitive to fertility medication) and the egg retrieval process.
Our potential egg donors meet the following criteria:
Find out more information about egg donation process in Ovoria Egg Bank.
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